
A 79-year-old Japanese man got a 90-inch skipping rope stuck in his bladder after inserting it through his penis.  

A 79-year-old Japanese man got a 90-inch skipping rope stuck in his bladder after inserting it through his penis.
Scans published by his doctors show the rope tightly coiled inside the unidentified man’s bladder.
Doctors had to cut into the man’s bladder to surgically extract it and they couldn’t pull it out the way it came in.
Medics used information from detailed scans to create a 3D computer model of the tangled rope to determine the best method of removal.

The man did not tell doctors why he had inserted the rope.
Inserting objects into the opening of the penis is a risky sexual act known as sounding. 
Experts from Dokkyo Medical University in the town of Mibu, 100km north of Tokyo, detailed the incident in a medical case report.
The man visited the university’s medical centre complaining of dysuria, a painful or burning sensation when urinating. 
When medics investigated his bladder using an ultra sound scan they found “a large object accompanied by acoustic shadows” was inside the bladder. An X-ray then revealed this object was “a wire-like coiled foreign body”.

The man was then forced to admit to doctors that he had inserted a skipping rope into the urethra of the penis.

Lead author of the case report, published in the journal Urology Case Reports,  urologist Professor Toshiki Kijima, said medics then performed a CT scan to determine how best to remove the rope.
He said they then used a computer programme to generate a 3D reconstruction of the rope which showed it had become too entangled to pull it back out through the penis.
The rope got entangled as the bladder contracted, a natural process that occurs after it expels stored urine.

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