
A one-legged 93-year-old dementia patient has died weeks after he was pepper sprayed and Tasered by police officers in his care home in the UK.

A one-legged 93-year-old dementia patient has died weeks after he was pepper sprayed and Tasered by police officers in his care home in the UK.

Sussex Police officers were called out to St Leonards-on-Sea after receiving a report Donald Burgess had threatened staff with a knife on June 21.

Officers used an electroshock weapon and Pava spray , a substance which attacks the eyes, on the patient and it affected his eyes.

The wheelchair-bound pensioner was taken to hospital but died there three weeks later and now the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) is investigating whether the allegations of use of excessive force by the officers amount to criminal manslaughter.

Gross misconduct notices have been served on the two officers involved, both police constables, with letters advising them they are under criminal investigation for manslaughter.

IOPC regional director Graham Beesley said: ‘I want to express my sympathies to the man’s relatives and those who knew him.

‘We have advised his next of kin of our independent investigation and explained the steps we will be taking.

‘This will include investigating whether the force used by the two officers against this male was reasonable, necessary and proportionate in the circumstances and in line with local and national policies, procedures and guidance.’

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