
Don’t Say Gay

Florida comes Alive with Don't say Gay Bill

Don’t Say Gay Bill


Don’t Say Gay act comes alive in Florida and the bill is expected to be pass and sign into law by Republican Govorner Ron DeSantis

The republican controlled state of Florida is very emphatic in the conservation of American society and the world at large.

We don’t want gay or teaching of gender garbages In our School, the statement concluded.

Recall that Republicans are conservative driven whereas, the Democrats are liberal driven party.

While conservative don’t want nonsenses like Lesbian, abortion and gay, the Liberal democrats wants you to do abortion, encourage gay and support you to be a lesbian.

The conservative want you to apply for visa to migrate to US, the Liberal Democrats want open border and illegal entrance in the US.

The conservative Republican want people with citizen card and voters card to vote during election, The liberal democrats want any person who is living in United State to be automatically qualified to vote in election.

This is a testimony that evil and good must exist side by side like a coin So, if you are voting in America or elsewhere in the world, atleast you now know what you are voting for and what you will be getting.

For example, Trump is a conservative Republican and Joe Biden is A Liberal Democrat.


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Ron DeSantis


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