


Laziness is a form of foolishness for which someone who is alive, sound and healthy is not willing to get engaged in meaningful activities of labour that will enable him or her to yield profit for survival and successes in life. It is the inability of a man or woman to make good use of the head, mind, hands and legs for income generating duties that will be of economic boost to him or her for better living. Consequently, a lazy person is someone who is so stupid in senses that cannot convert privileges of time and energy into economic advantages through commitment to available duties of labour in life.

Laziness without doubt is caused by senselessness of a person to understand the high cost involved in provision and sustenance of survival in human society. Every sensible person is wholly aware that edible items required for keeping the stomach full for three times a day are costly hence needs proper planning and implementation of one’s plans, and with subsequent engagements in duties of labour to raise funds in purchasing such items of food for survival. This simply means that it is one’s commitment to duties of labour that will enable one to get money in buying food stuffs and other necessities of life for man’s continuous coping with cost of living in human society. That is why there is an on-going saying in society that “there is no food for lazy man”. This is thoroughly true if one wants to have food on the table, one must work hard to have money to buy what one wants to eat in a day. And this continues from day to day, from week to week, from month to month and from year to year till the end of one’s journey of life on earth.

Most mistakenly, many who are being fed through the sweat of others do not understand the high cost of survival in life hence are fond of playing, and even pushing off golden opportunities that come their way for them to have enough money to be buying items of food for their survival in life. And many golden opportunities come in midst of dirt and dust, and are also found in midst of stresses hence seemed to be a threat to those who are afraid to work hard to secure their own survival in life rather prefer to survive through someone’s sweat and successes in life. But there is still this saying in society that ” there is nothing like one’s own in life”, because what is not yours, is not yours, and does not belong to you hence is someone’s own, and not yours forever!

Most miserably, lazy persons do not care about dignity but are highly happy that they are depending on someone’s sweat for survival, and even preferred being spoonfed with others sweats, all the days of their life. Lazy persons are among the most shameless set of persons in human society. They like cheating, and majority of them are gluttons in moments of meal. Despite being empty in finances, they are fond of fighting to eat more than others, even to consume more than owners of the meal. And that is wickedness in addition to foolishness.

It is noted with concern that seventy five percent of lazy persons are greedy thus are stingy in habit. They are ready to take from you but are never ready to share theirs with you. Then some set of lazy persons are fond of giving you a peanut percentage yet are expecting abundance from you. This means that lazy persons are crafty hence are very wicked set of persons.

Lazy persons are found in every sector of society including family homes, churches and in schools. Students who are not ready to copy notes in classes and read their books at home but are willing to pass very well are examples of lazy persons. In marriages, lazy wives wait for their husbands to provide everything for them everyday but never contribute to the survival and successes of the family. Then lazy husbands also wait for their wives to provide all for the upkeep of the family. He is even ready to throw away the colourful cap of headship that is on his head to his wife as far as she will be supplying survival for the family.

Shamelessly, lazy persons are full of complaints. They are fond of referring to someone’s else as the source of their failures though they failed woefully as a result of laziness. They never presumed themselves to be responsible for their stupidity and its consequences rather will find suitable recipients such as parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties and even neighbours as being responsible for their failures hence will be blamed for bewitching them not to be successful in life. A lazy person therefore has packages of excuses for his or her full time failure in life.

God hates laziness, and I also hate lazy persons. God has given them all they needed to survive and succeed yet they are not ready to work harder. But most sinfully, lazy persons like enjoyment but never work enough to secure such desirable things in life. If I were God, no lazy person would get closer to the kingdom of heaven. They should be sent to a place of pains and emptiness in future

Okoi Amadiowei Jacob

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