
No Administration Has Developed Mining Sector Like Ours – Osinbajo

No Administration Has Developed Mining Sector Like Ours – Osinbajo

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo says no government in history of Nigeria has contributed to the development of the mining sector than the current administration.

The Vice President said since the administration came into office in 2015, it has intentionally prioritised the development of the country’s mineral resources as one of the frontiers for economic growth.

This he said led to the comprehensive Roadmap for the Growth and Development of the Nigerian Mining Sector which have steadily followed the steps set out in the roadmap.

“So far, we can say without fear of contradiction that this administration has committed more resources to the development of the mining sector than any other government in the history of this country,” Osinbajo said why declaring open the Nigerian Mining Week on behalf of President Muhammadu Buhari on Tuesday.

He further reiterated the administration’s commitment to prioritizing the development of Nigeria’s mineral resources as one of the frontiers for economic growth.

“Currently, we have a world-class gold mine running in Osun State, the Eko Gold Coin which has been refined to full 24-karat purity, mining industries that supply the coal needs of Dangote & Bua cement factories and a steel plant in the process of producing liquid steel from its iron ore mine in Kaduna, and more, all from natural resources sourced within Nigeria.

“It is my belief that this sector, when fully developed, will outstrip other sectors in export earnings and opportunities,” Osinbajo said.

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