
A teaching assistant in the United Kingdom has been jailed after he sent teenagers at the school where he worked a ‘s€x questionnaire’ asking their bra sizes and whether they were virgins

A teaching assistant in the United Kingdom has been jailed after he sent teenagers at the school where he worked a ‘s€x questionnaire’ asking their bra sizes and whether they were virgins.

Kevin Doxey, who worked at Anthony Gell School in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, admitted four counts of engaging in s€xual communication with a child at Derby Crown Court.

The 27-year-old had sent a picture of his genitals to one of the victims, alongside a winking emoji and message saying ‘I wish you were here’.

One of his victims told her parents about what he had sent her and they contacted the police, which led them to seize his phone and found more messages to other young girls.
Laura Blackband, prosecuting lawyer, said: ‘He obtained the Snapchat details of four girls who were all students at the school and sent a series of s€xually charged messages to each of them.

‘The communication included a “sex questionnaire” which had a huge number of questions on them which we say could have led to possible sexual activity.

‘[Victim one] was 15 and she was very distressed by the questions. He would ask her to pick a number and would get her to answer the questions.

‘She initially said no but when she was on a sleepover he texted her a [sexually explicit] photograph of himself with a winking emoji and three kisses.

‘She showed it to one of her friends and she said, “You need to tell someone about it.”‘

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