
Beware of fake Catholics

Attention .

There is a group who call themselves Old Catholic Church of Nigeria, they a group of Catholic Church who are in schism, they presume they the real Catholic, their origin is from Ukraine, France ,here in Nigeria, its headed by a runaway Priest Mr Raphael Fagbohun who use to be a Rev Fr under the Nigeria Police Force, his nefarious activities at CAFON made him get suspended using the name Catholic who to swindle people from real estate to Telecommunications, to production factory etc.

When he was suspended, he was unable to cope at the process ran to Ukraine and got ordained as a bishop.

Please and please do away with them because they are schismatic and heretical group also they as well permitted to marry, funny how they ordaining runaway Seminarians.

Recently they ordained some seminarians.

Avoid them for your own good



There is a new Church in town now with the name, OLD CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH.

The Church is now in Warri and environs. Many may mistake it for the Roman Catholic Church because it has very similar or the same liturgy with the Catholic Church. They celebrate Mass, their priest dress like Rev Frs, they use Monstrance and other similar Catholic sacramentals. They have Priests, Bishop Archbishops, many of which they ordain as ex seminarians from the Catholic Church. This message is important because we the youths are the target. We shouldn’t be gullible and found in association such Church because it is not the Roman Catholic Church.

You can google the name, OLD CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH and find more information about them.

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