
Yoruba leader and Head of Yoruba Nation Self-Determination Struggle, Prof. Banji Akintoye has said that alleged stunted growth in South-West region of the country is because of a curse placed on Yorubaland by victims of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Yoruba leader and Head of Yoruba Nation Self-Determination Struggle, Prof. Banji Akintoye has said that alleged stunted growth in South-West region of the country is because of a curse placed on Yorubaland by victims of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

The Professor of History further claimed that some victims of the slave trade placed a curse on the future generation of Yoruba people for colluding with the Whites to sell them into slavery back then.

Asides pointing out that the unholy collaboration between the then leaders of the Yoruba people and the Portuguese and Dutch businessmen who came to Africa for the business of slave trade in 18th century led to the selling of many into slavery and great agony, he added that over one million Africans, including the Yoruba people, were exported to Europe and America as Slaves by Europeans, who brought salt to Africa in 18th Century through Porto Novo and Whydan Kingdom in the present-day Benin Republic through the collaboration of some local warriors.

Akintoye who claimed that “the Holy Spirit told him that the spirits of those our forefathers sold for peanuts to Portuguese and Dutch people as slaves are behind the lack of growth, development, progress, peace and unity in Yorubaland, and among the Yoruba people”, tendered an apology to victims of the slave trade in a statement he personally signed and made available to journalists through his Communications Office.

He noted that though the crime was committed many years ago, the effect of the bitterness might still be the reason for lack of unity and development in Yorubaland.

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